Photoshop/ Photography Project: Fumetti

If you know how to make a basic Four Panel Comic, what not move up to fumetti?

What is Fumetti?

Fumetti is the art of creating a story from sequential photos. In other words: making a comic book with pictures instead of drawings.

Here’s a page from an old-school comic book:

Each panel has a drawing and word balloons. Some panels also have text boxes, which contain narration.

You don’t have to stick to just rectangles. Here’s a newer (but still older than you!) page:

It’s the same idea, but look at the fourth panel: Cyclops’s head pokes out of the frame.

And you can be even more extreme:

Here’s an example of using photographs in the same style to create a fumetti page:

The panels are rectangles, but they overlap. Some word balloons and sound effects burst out of their frames as well.

Rules for making your own fumetti page:

  • Plan your page before you take pictures!
  • All people in your pictures must be photographed by you, but you can use other photos for props.
  • You must have at least four panels.
  • There are built-in ways to Photoshop to  create word balloons, but custom-made word balloons will look better.