Creating and saving your AE project

Creating a composition from footage

If you are using video you already shot as the base for your clip, select “Composition from Footage.”

After Effects window with "Create a composition from footage" circled.

Select your footage, make sure “Create Composition” is selected, and click “Open.”

Create composition from footage dialogue box.

After Effects will create a new composition that matches the footage you selected.

Saving a project

When you save your After Effects work, you need to save two different files: your project file and your rendered movie.

Project file

Your project file is the set of instructions for creating a clip. It does not include any media you used to create a clip (video, images, sounds).

To save your project file, go to File/Save:

Give your project a proper name, make sure you are saving to the location where you want it saved, and select “Save.”

Saving your rendered movie

A rendered file is your completed final clip. Effects on it cannot be edited.

Go to File/Add to Render Queue:

The Render Queue window will open. Select where it says Not yet specified to pick a location to save.

Choose a location and a meaningful file name, then select Save.

Last, select the Render button to render your clip.