

Use Photoshop to combine two celebrities into a single face.


You will turn two files.

your name your class period frankenface.psd - your work file

your name your class period frankenface.jpg - your flattened image


Example: If your name is Steve Martin and you are in period 4, your files will be named

Steve Martin P4 melted.psd

Steve Martin P4 melted.jpg


Photoshop tools you will use:


Polygonal lasso








I chose these faces.


CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 90

You donÕt have to chose a man and a woman, but you should choose faces that are different enough that changes will be noticed. Remember that large differences in skin tone will make blending the two images more difficult.



Select part of the other face.

IÕm going to take one of her eyes.

á      Make the second face the active image.

á      Select the polygonal lasso tool. If it isnÕt visible on the toolbar, click and hold on the lasso tool until the polygonal lasso appears.

á      Click around the section you want to copy. DonÕt try to get close to the eye. Give yourself some space. If you put a point in the wrong place, press DELETE to delete it. When you close the loop, the Òmarching antsÓ will appear.

á      Press command-c to copy the selection.


Copy the selection to the new image.

á      Make the new image the active window.

á      Press command-v to paste in the selection as a new layer. Rename the layer to match what youÕve added. IÕm calling this layer Òleft eye.Ó


Resize the selection. Use the transform tool (command-t) to make the eye the right size and in the right location. The skin wonÕt match, but thatÕs okay.






Fix the skin tone

á      Select Image, Adjustments, Hue/Saturation. YouÕll get this menu.

á      Hue adjusts the base color (red/green/blue)

á      Saturation adjusts the amount of color

á      Lightness adjusts the brightness/darkness of the image


Adjust the sliders to get the skin tones close to each other. They donÕt need to be exact.


Use a layer mask and the brush tool to blend the skin.

á      Select layer mask (the circle inside the rectangle at the bottom of the list of layers). A new white box will appear on the selected layer.



A layer mask is exactly what it sounds like: a mask that hides part of the layer.  The darker the mask, the more it hides.

á      Select the brush tool (on the left).




á      At the top of the screen, adjust the size, hardness and opacity of the brush:


á      Set the opacity somewhere between 50% and 70%. That makes the brush slightly clear.

á      Set the brush hardness to 0.

á      Set the brush size to a fairly large size- around 125.

á      Set the brush color to black.

á      Brush around the edges of the pasted in shape to make it blend in. If you accidentally hide something you meant to keep, switch the brush color to white and brush over it to make it reappear.


My final product:





9-10:   Three or more significant changes to the face. Changes are difficult or impossible to find without looking at the original picture. At least two faces are used.

      8:   Three significant changes to the face. Changes are fairly difficult to find without looking at the original picture. Two faces are used.

      7:   Two significant changes to the face. Changes are slightly difficult to find without looking at the picture. Two faces are used.